Meet Terma at Mast Northern Coasts from 4-6 September 2019

Terma at MAST Northern Coasts

Copenhagen, Denmark, 02 September 2019 – Terma is proud to be a main sponsor Terma for the Maritime/Air Systems and Technologies Conference & Exhibition, known as MAST Northern Coasts event in Copenhagen on 4-6 September 2019.

“We welcome maritime and naval experts, customers, and visitors from around the world to Denmark—our home turf--for MAST NOCO 2019,” said Terma CEO Jes Munk Hansen.  “I look forward to meeting with our customers, industry partners, naval and coast guard leaders and maritime experts at our stand during the MAST conference where Terma is the main sponsor. I am certain that the conference will provide a series of high-quality presentations on the latest development in maritime technology,” Hansen said.

“This event in Copenhagen enables Terma to showcase our key maritime and security technologies and products to a prestigious and recognized maritime audience,” said Hansen. 

SCANTER surveillance radar

Terma is presenting its state-of-the-art SCANTER surveillance radar technology solutions, which are ideally suited for detecting and tracking non-cooperative small targets in extreme environments and adverse weather conditions. The SCANTER radar is the only radar sensor providing simultaneous small target detection and helicopter guidance. Terma’s SCANTER portfolio includes specific solutions for naval radars, vessel traffic systems and coastal surveillance operations.

C-Flex Combat Management System

Learn how C-Flex, Terma’s flexible, scalable and modular command and control system, strengthens the operational capabilities of maritime forces by providing situational awareness and interoperability for combat and non-combat vessels to effectively conduct a wide range of missions from Air Defense and Anti-Submarine Warfare to Maritime Patrol, Law Enforcement, Search and Rescue (SAR), and Interception.

C-Guard Naval Decoy Launching System

See the demonstration of Terma’s C-Guard naval decoy launching system C-Guard, the only qualified naval decoy system offering full soft-kill protection against attack by multiple missiles and torpedoes from multiple directions.

JIMAPS Command and Control

Terma is presenting JIMAPS; a versatile C4ISR platform that supports operational requirements in all sections of the intelligence cycle, ranging from a fully distributed Joint C4ISR System to smaller tactical ISR Systems.

T.react.CIP Critical Infrastructure Protection

Watch the demonstration of Terma’s T.react.CIP – a system to protect critical infrastructure with a combination of traditional security sensors and radar technology to give meter-by-meter coverage of large areas, both outside and inside your perimeter.

The organizers expect 3,000+ participants to attend MAST Northern Coasts and join keynote, plenary, and technical presentations, visit exhibition displays, and take part in hosted ship tours. 43 naval ships from 11 different countries will be in the Copenhagen Harbor. Several of the participating ships will be equipped with the Terma C-Flex C2 system, C-Guard self-protection, and SCANTER surveillance radars.

"I personally welcome you to Denmark, and look forward to meeting you at our stand no. 1 at MAST Northern Coasts in Bella Center, Copenhagen, Denmark"

Jes Munk Hansen

Terma CEO

Terma Highlight

Who we are

Terma in Brief

The Denmark based high-tech Terma Group develops products and systems for defense and non-defense security applications; including command and control systems, radar systems, self-protection systems for aircraft, space technology, and aerostructures for the aircraft industry.

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