The Danish Business Authorities will initiate an investigation on export to the United Arab Emirates (Danish version in the article).

Undersøgelse af Termas eksport

The Danish Business Authorities announced Sunday May 17 that they will initiate an investigation on export to the United Arab Emirates.

Terma welcomes an investigation and we look forward to the dialog with the authorities.

The announcement from Danish Business Authorities came after TV2 and Danwatch reported on export of defense equipment from Terma to the United Arab Emirates (UAE).

Terma complies with the Danish and international regulations applicable to trade with navigation equipment, defense equipment and dual-use products (including spare parts, and service) and we always follow decisions made by the Danish export authorities.

The story by TV2 and Danwatch concerns two products. One is the SCANTER 2001 radar systems, which Terma delivered on a contract awarded in 2004/05 and delivered during 2011-16 to six naval vessels in the UAE. The other is self-protection equipment delivered to IOMAX in the USA to Archangel Border Patrol Aircraft, with UAE's Air Force as end-user, where the last delivery occurred in in March 2018.

SCANTER 2001 is a dated navigation radar. It is not subject to export control, neither under the Arms Act nor the EU's dual-use regulation. This also applies to spare parts and services. This is confirmed by The Danish Business Authority who has obtained a technical assessment from Danish Defence Acquisition and Logistics Organization under the Ministry of Defense.

Regarding the IOMAX aircraft Terma applied for and received export license for self-protection equipment in January 2015 (regarding the main delivery) and in January 2018 (regarding spare parts). Last delivery took place in March 2018, eight months before the Danish suspension of arms and military exports to the UAE took effect from 22 November 2018.

Danish export restrictions are among the toughest in the EU, and we always adhere fully to these as well as international rules.



In Danish

Terma imødeser dialog med myndighederne

Erhvervsstyrelsens meddelte søndag den 17. maj 2020, at de vil indlede en undersøgelse af eksport til De forenede Arabiske Emirater.

Terma hilser denne undersøgelse velkommen. Vi imødeser en konstruktiv dialog med myndighederne herom.

Udmeldingen kommer efter at TV2 og Danwatch har bragt indslag om eksport af udstyr fra Terma til De Forenede Arabiske Emirater (UAE).

Terma overholder de til enhver tid gældende danske og internationale regler for handel med navigationsudstyr, forsvarsmateriel og dual-use produkter (herunder reservedele og service) og, vi følger altid afgørelser truffet af de danske myndigheder.

TV2 og Danwatch’ historie drejer sig om SCANTER 2001 navigationsradarer, som Terma på en kontrakt fra 2004/05 leverede i årene 2011-16 til seks flådefartøjer i UAE, og om selvbeskyttelsesudstyr leveret til IOMAX i USA til Archangel Border Patrol Aircraft til UAEs flyvevåben med sidste leverance i marts 2018.

SCANTER 2001 er en simpel navigationsradar af ældre dato. Den er ikke omfattet af krav om udførselstilladelse, hverken i henhold til våbenloven eller EU's forordning om dual-use produkter.  Det gælder også reservedele og service. Dette er bekræftet af Erhvervsstyrelsen, som har indhentet teknisk vurdering hos Forsvarsministeriets Materiel- og Indkøbsstyrelse.

Vedr. IOMAX-flyene ansøgte og modtog Terma udførselstilladelse til selvbeskyttelsesudstyr i januar 2015 (vedrørende hovedleverancen) og i januar 2018 (vedrørende reservedele). Sidste leverance fandt sted i marts 2018, otte måneder inden den danske suspension af eksport af våben og militært udstyr til UAE trådte i kraft den 22. november 2018.

De danske eksportrestriktioner er blandt de strengeste i EU, og vi overholder naturligvis altid både disse og internationale regler på området til punkt og prikke.


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The Denmark based high-tech Terma Group develops products and systems for defense and non-defense security applications; including command and control systems, radar systems, self-protection systems for aircraft, space technology, and aerostructures for the aircraft industry.

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