Terma Sponsors Danish Space Dissemination Project “Rumrejsen”

Terma is proud sponsor of the Danish space dissemination project “Rumrejsen” (The Space Journey). The dissemination project related to the space mission Huginn, with Danish astronaut Andreas Mogensen onboard, intends to generate interest among young people in education and careers within the field of space activities.

Danish Astronaut Andreas Mogensen. ESA
Image courtesy - ESA

This August, Danish astronaut Andreas Mogensen, will be the first non-US astronaut to pilot the SpaceX Dragon spacecraft to the International Space Station (ISS) on the European Space Agency (ESA) mission Huginn. On the mission, Andreas Mogensen will conduct ten experiments designed by Danish scientists and companies ranging from climate research via the Moon to sleep research and 3D printing.

The Danish dissmenation project “Rumrejsen” organized by Confederation of Danish Industry (DI) and supporting the Huginn mission will especially focus on creating awareness and interest among young people on the possibilities of education and careers in the space industry. Aiming to promote the STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering og Mathematics) educations and careers, a sizeable part of the project will focus on apprentices working within the space industry.

As the leading Danish company within advanced space technologies and solutions, Terma will sponsor the project and will among other things lend out our true-to-size model of ASIM, which is currently installed on ISS, to a temporary space exhibition at DI’s headquarter. Learn more about ASIM.

HRH Crown Prince Frederik will launch the project
“Rumrejsen “will be launched at an event on 22 May hosted by Confederation of Danish Industry (DI) with the participation of HRH The Crown Prince Frederik, and the Danish Minister for Higher Education and Science, Christina Egelund, and Andreas Mogensen. 

Alongside our colleagues from the industry, Terma will attend the event with our Senior Space Project Manager, Dan Danji Virji Bhanderi, who spearheaded the ASIM-mission in Terma, and Oliver Bilgrav Nisgaard, who is currently holding an apprenticeship in Terma Space. They will offer insights on Terma’s space projects and technologies, and which opportunities a career in the Space industry gives.

Learn more about the Huginn Mission: ESA - Introducing Huginn

Overview of Terma Grenaa facility, drone photo

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The Denmark based high-tech Terma Group develops products and systems for defense and non-defense security applications; including command and control systems, radar systems, self-protection systems for aircraft, space technology, and aerostructures for the aircraft industry.

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