Surface Movement Radar
Our SCANTER radars secure safe transportation of passengers and cargo from the time the aircraft has landed until it is safely parked and ready to unload. Our latest generation of high-tech solutions and products are developed and designed for use in extreme environments and situations.
SCANTER 5502/5602
The SCANTER 5502/5602 is an X-band, Solid State, 2D, fully coherent pulse compression radar with software-defined functionality.
The outstanding capabilities of the SCANTER 5502/5602 ensure reliable detection of very small targets and produce an overall clear, well-defined, high-resolution radar image of the coverage area, day and night and in all weather conditions.
The SMR features surveillance capabilities in accordance with ICAO 9476-AN-927:
- Radar monitoring of traffic on the maneuvering area.
- Routing instructions to surface traffic using the radar-displayed information, to avoid points of traffic congestion and select aircraft routes to maintain traffic flow.
- Issuance of instructions to hold short at intersections to avoid traffic conflicts.
- Information that a runway is clear of other traffic, particularly in periods of low visibility.
- Assistance in timing of runway operations to improve runway utilization while avoiding conflicts with departing and arriving aircraft.
- On request, guidance information to an aircraft uncertain of its position.
- Guidance information to emergency vehicles.
A-SMGCS integration
The SCANTER 5502/5602 networks in an IP-Network structure and is designed to integrate and form part of an airport A-SMGCS performing single- or multi-sensor operation.
Built-in video- and clutter processing optimizes for subsequent target tracking. Remote transceiver control and monitoring with distributed radar images are available for integration in third-party platforms. Static clutter map allows for remote update and map communality. Frequency planning within the X-band (9000 – 9500 MHz) can be performed to adapt to local requirements or to solve interference problems.
SCANTER 5505/5602 is fully EUROCAE ED-116, EUROCONTROL, and WMO compliant.

Enhanced primary surveillance for the A-SMGCS

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Open Cookie Control PanelRadar surveillance benefits
The only airport ground surveillance radar sensor operational in more than 140 major airports throughout the world.
Aerodrome Traffic Awareness
At Terma, we have introduced an Embedded Plot Extractor and Tracker in the SCANTER environment as well as the new add-on feature Aerodrome Traffic Awareness.
We are the first and only manufacturer to deliver a 2-in-1 solution.
The Aerodrome Traffic Awareness is an add-on to the well-known SMR application. It enables detection and tracking of descending aircraft up to 5 NM from the radar as well as detecting and tracking non-transponder low-level unidentified flying objects around the airport.
- New innovative add-on to SCANTER in the Market for Airport Radars
- 2-in-1 solution not compromising the 60 RPM for a SMR
- Detecting and tracking of non-transponder low-level unidentified flying objects
- State-of-the-art Knowledge-based Embedded tracker
- ASTERIX cat. 10 (Surface) and cat. 034/048 (Air)
- Digital output over LAN
Embedded Tracker
Aerodrome Traffic Awareness is based on Terma’s embedded tracker. The tracker is knowledge-based and developed based on years of intensive product development and frequent tests with all kinds of targets utilizing an Interacting Multiple Model (IMM) with multiple interacting extended Kalman filters.
The tracker has been tested in a number of countries and in many weather conditions, on ground based as well as on moving platforms.
Operational Benefits
Primary Surveillance Radar (PSR) and Secondary Surveillance Radar (SSR) do not provide coverage below 2-300 m. These radars might also have a limited view to the descending aircraft due to buildings or blind zones.
Moreover, a correlation in the A-SMGCS between the SSR and SMR makes it possible automatically to transfer the label before landing to save time later when ground traffic might be heavy. Aerodrome Traffic Awareness provides the industry standard output and can be fed immediately into e.g. the A-SMGCS and presented for the ATCs.
SCANTER 5602 (eSMR) Key Benefits
- High update rate, 1 second as opposed to 5 seconds typically. Approach corridor surveillance Airport Surveillance Radar (ASR) gap filler, providing simultaneous coverage of movements on the ground and near the aerodrome by adding Doppler processing (air channel)
- Accurate, high precision, approach corridor surveillance allowing positive confirmation of correct runway alignment for inbound traffic
- Improved detection and tracking in high clutter density areas e.g. infield grass areas and along runway edges
- Possible detection and classification of various moving targets, including birds, within and above the aerodrome maneuvering area
- Embedded Plot extraction- and tracking fully independent of the A-SMGCS backend system with radar video in standard ASTERIX format
SCANTER 5502 SMR Key Benefits
- Embedded Terma Tracker with ASTERIX cat. 10 output
- Latest technology on the Market including making the product ready for the future.
- Improved performance through increased resolution and improved target detection, in all weather conditions
- Flexibility in frequency planning and adjustment of transmitted power leading to low susceptibility to interference
- Remote Access over LAN
- Swift integration into A-SMGCS due to open architecture and processed digital radar video output
- Pulse Compression leading to low power transmission (50W peak/10W average)
- Frequency Diversity with 4 simultaneous frequencies in the air
- Power Sector transmission incl. Sector blanking (Prohibit), Transmit or reduced power in up to 16 sectors
- Superior Situation Awareness
- Built-in BITE
- Low Maintenance cost and High MTBF figures
- Service Display with the processed digital radar video on top of a Google map
SCANTER 2502 (cSMR) key Benefits
- Minimal infrastructure requirements – small and easy to install radar package
- Fully compliant with EUROCONTROL ED-116 requirements for Surface Movement Radars
- Enhances existing radar landscape by filling coverage gaps seamlessly
- Same platform and processing from the renowned SCANTER series
- Plug-and-play integration and compatibility.
Radar specifications
SMR Surface Movement Radar, Embedded Tracker, Full Coherence, Frequency diversity. Easy A-SMGCS integration with Industry Standard Interfaces
Programmable frequencies within 9.0-9.5 GHz. Up to 16 sub-bands
- 50 W & 200 W - SSPA, meeting ICAO & EUROCAE ED-116 recommendations
- 0-20 kW - equivalent pulse power, programmable, also in sectors
- 0-80 kW - equivalent pulse power, programmable, also in sectors
Digital sampling on IF, ≥ 140 dB amplitude span of signals handled
- Range cell size: 3 m
- Range cell size: 1.5 m
Embedded Tracker, Open architecture, wall/bulkhead mounted, ruggedized housing. Temperature-controlled, environmental enclosure for up-mast mounting
Optional 2-in-1 Aerodrome
Traffic Awareness solution with Surface & Air Tracking simultaneously
External Interfaces
Digital & Analog processed video and IP network radar signals. Control and monitoring via IP network/Serial communication ports
21' High Gain Linear Array, Circularly Polarized, Fan Beam or Inverse Cosec², Dual encoders, 60RPM
IEC 60068, IEC 60529, IEC 61000,ITU-R SM 1541, ICAO 1987, EUROCAE ED-116
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Senior Director, Business Development Surveillance & Mission Systems