Two docked navy vessels seen from above.

Naval simulation & Tactical Training

Train operators and officers with a complete simulation environment where virtual sensor data is used to stimulate a C-Flex system.

C-Sim - Embedded Realistic C2 Training

In a modern navy, the crew of a ship must be capable of responding quickly and appropriately in complex and rapidly changing situations and must be ready to take part in national and international operations at short notice. This requires a rigorous and comprehensive education and training program.


C-Sim is an integrated naval tactical training environment based on the IFAD Naval Tactical Simulator (NTS) and the C-Flex command and control system. C-Sim is designed for shore-based naval training centers, integrated onboard training, and simulation, as well as distributed ship-to-ship and ship-to-shore training exercises.

The Naval Tactical Simulator (NTS) is based on well-proven training and simulation concepts that have been developed and applied over more than two decades to meet naval officers' training needs in naval warfare and the various complex weapon systems on board modern navy ships. The integrated C-Sim solution covers a wide range of training areas from operator training through part task training to command team training. 

Simulated Environment

The Naval Tactical Simulator (NTS) offers a synthetic representation of naval battle space, including simulated entities and live tracks, radar emissions, IFF, AIS, Tactical Data Link (TDL), communication, and environmental conditions.

The simulator provides the instructors with status, control, and monitoring as well as replay and debriefing facilities specifically tailored for naval warfare, and provides realistic simulation models for naval sensors and weapon systems.

C-Flex Simulator Interaction

The operators interact with the simulated environment through the C-Flex command and control system as under operational conditions in the live environment. The operators build up and maintain the operational picture via simulated ship sensors such as radar, AIS, ESM, IFF, sonar, communication, and data link systems.

Defence command and control room.

System benefits

Defence patrol room.

Train as You Fight

C-Sim is based on the training concept "train as you fight". The simulation environment is fully integrated with C-Flex and all operator interaction in the training environment is therefore through C-Flex as under normal operational conditions.
Computer screens with Terma's command and control system.

Saving Costs and Resources

The C-Sim simulated training environment reduces the need for training via live exercises, which are extremely expensive to set up and run because of the large amount of time they take and the large numbers of people and resources they involve. In addition, training exercises using C-Sim can focus on training specific roles, which means that trainees with different roles can undergo different training in parallel training sessions.
Defense ommand and control room.

Controlled and Repeatable Conditions

The C-Sim simulated environment is completely controlled and repeatable by the instructors and is not subject to influence by uncontrollable external effects such as equipment malfunction, adverse weather, etc. This ensures that the training can be delivered on schedule and that the specific training goals of each exercise can be met.

Other benefits

Training in Situations and Conditions which cannot be Achieved in Live Exercises

In the C-Sim simulated training environment, the scenarios used in the training exercises can be much more complex than those that can be achieved in live exercises. In addition, they can involve assets that are not available for live exercises - the behavior of the missing assets can be simulated.


The C-Sim simulated training environment is highly flexible. It supports training exercises for individual trainees, for groups of trainees working as a team on a single ship, and for groups of trainees working as a team but located on different ships. At the same time, it supports the wide range of different training exercises needed to fulfill the complete education of the crew.


C-Sim is based on open standards and COTS (Commercial Of The Shelves) products in order to maximize the ability of the system to satisfy future and not just current training needs.

The C-Sim system configuration is highly scalable from single ship, single console configurations to multi ship frigate configurations with 20+ consoles and complex sub system configurations.


C-Sim supports a range of industrial standards like NMEA, HLA/DIS, etc. for integration of operational equipment or external simulators.

System functionality

Training Capabilities

C-Sim enables multiple levels of training from basic operator training and procedural training skills up to CIC team coordination and communications as part of operational naval warfare operations.

Operator Training

The system provides facilities to train operators in system knowledge including:

  • C2, CMS, C4I
  • Picture compilers, weapon allocators
  • Radar, sonar, data link system, ESM Operators.

Part Task Training (Procedures and Tactical Training)

Naval warfare can be trained using instructor-created exercises focusing upon procedure training and tactical training:

  • Warfares: AAW, ASW, ASUW and combined/multi threat, etc.
  • Naval operations: surveillance, asymmetric warfare, anti-piracy, Search & Rescue (SAR), etc.

Command Team Training

Single-ship and coordinated multi-ship exercises can be used for command team training, including:

  • Mission rehearsal
  • Force integration
  • Certification.
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Terma LifeCare

Life-long Service & Support

All products are eligible for our industry leading service agreement, Terma LifeCare. With Terma LifeCare you will minimize downtime, get hardware and software upgrades at reduced and known costs, get full transparency and knowledge of your system’s lifetime cost and much more.

Want to learn more?

If you have any questions about naval solutions, please get in touch with our expert.

Portrait of Anupam Narain Mathur.

Vice President & General Manager, Terma Asia Pacific

Anupam Narain Mathur