Maritime and Naval Industry Event On Board Danish Frigate

During Danish Frigate HDMS PETER WILLEMOES’ visit to Baltimore, USA on 17-18 November 2016, Terma will take part in an event on board.

Maritime and Naval Industry Event On Board Danish Frigate

Arlington, VA - The Danish Frigate will host a two-day maritime and naval industry event and thus support the Danish naval defense industry towards U.S.-based customers and partners.

This export event will be headed by Troels Lund Poulsen, Danish Minister for Business and Growth; the Danish Ambassador to the United States, Lars Gert Lose; and Rear Admiral, Frank Trojahn, Chief of Naval Staff. U.S.  Admiral John Richardson, Chief of Naval Operations and Mac Thornberry, Chairman of the House Armed Services Committee are expected to visit the event.

“Terma highly welcomes this excellent opportunity to demonstrate key technologies and products including our competences within command & control, surveillance and sensors, and naval self-protection technologies. We are pleased to participate and our staff, headed by Steve Williams, President & CEO of Terma North America Inc., is looking forward to welcoming guests, customers, and partners”, says Thomas Leistiko, Vice President, Sales, Command, Control & Sensor Systems.

“For decades, Terma has worked closely with and supplied the Royal Danish Navy with key technology within command and control systems, surveillance and advanced self-protection. We look forward to demonstrating our solutions in their natural environment on board the ship,” Leistiko explains. 

SCANTER Naval Air & Surface Surveillance Radars

Terma SCANTER radars offer superior 2D naval surveillance for simultaneous detection and tracking of small air and surface targets from the radar horizon to the vessel’s side. SCANTER radars are a major contributor to the situational awareness picture for all types of vessels from border police, landing craft, offshore patrol vessels, large support ships, and corvettes/frigates.

C-Flex, Securing the Maritime Domain

With more than 25 years of C2 experience, Terma provides the mission proven C-Flex command & control system to navies and coast guards around the world for unparalleled operational capabilities and situational awareness. The C-Flex command & control system provides patrol and amphibious vessels with surveillance, communication, and enforcement capabilities – supporting tasks such as law enforcement, interception, anti-piracy, and search and rescue.


Terma’s C-Guard soft-kill system is a proven and cost-effective decoy launching system for naval platforms. The system effectively counters advanced threats like small range gate Radio Frequency (RF) missiles, imaging  InfraRed (IR) missiles and advanced next generation torpedoes. C-Guard offers full protection against above and below water threats, and it supports the latest generation of decoys including sub-munition based decoys and dual IR/RF decoys.

Terma Highlight

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Terma in Brief

The Denmark based high-tech Terma Group develops products and systems for defense and non-defense security applications; including command and control systems, radar systems, self-protection systems for aircraft, space technology, and aerostructures for the aircraft industry.

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