New group of students heading for Texas

A team of six Danish students of engineering are ready for the 2017 F-35 internship at Lockheed Martin in Fort Worth, Texas, USA.

New group of students heading for Texas, for the 2017 F-35 internship at Lockheed Martin in Fort Worth, Texas, USA.
The 2017 F-35 Internship team during the visit at Terma. From left: Thor (Terma), Patrick Moritzen, Anders Hjermitslev, Victor Hvidt, Anders Jensen, Helene Birkebæk, and Michael and Bo (both from Terma). Christopher Klingaa was not able to participate

A team of six talented students from the Technical University of Denmark and Aarhus University are ready for the 2017 F-35 Master’s student internship at Lockheed Martin in Fort Worth, Texas, USA.

For the third year in a row, Terma in close collaboration with Lockheed Martin, the Technical University of Denmark (DTU), and Aarhus University (AU) will send a group of Danish students of engineering on an exciting and educational five-month internship at Lockheed's aircraft factory in Fort Worth, Texas.

Recently, the team visited Terma’s facilities in Lystrup and Grenaa prior to their departure in early January. At Terma, they were given a general introduction to the company and were on a guided tour at both premises. They were also briefed on the many practical things that must be in place before departure.

The 2017 internship team

Anders Bæk Hjermitslev and Christopher Klingaa, both students at DTU, will be working with Manufacturing Engineering during their internship. They are accompanied by Victor Hvidt, Helene Birkebæk, Patrick Moritzen (all students at DTU), and Anders Wilms Jensen from AU. The will be working with Quality Engineering during their stay in Fort Worth.

The new excited team, of which most will depart on 6 January 2017, will have a unique opportunity to learn, explore, and acquire other skills than those taught at the university. Participating in the F-35 Master’s intern program is an excellent way to give university engineering students exposure to the value of global industrial partnerships. The intern program is an excellent opportunity to learn more about advanced technologies in the global aerospace industry.

Successful start of a carrier at Terma

In January 2015, two students from Aarhus University – Thor Paulli Andersen and Frederik Roi Midtgaard – formed the first Danish team within the partnership and travelled to Texas for what was to become a very successful stay. Both are currently employed in Terma as engineers. In 2016, the next team of five students from DTU travelled to Lockheed Martin in Fort Worth, Texas for a five-month period.

From left: Frederik Roi Midtgaard and Thor Paulli Andersen in front of an F-35 fighter during their internship in Texas


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Michael Ahrndt Lehmann
Terma Highlight

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The Denmark based high-tech Terma Group develops products and systems for defense and non-defense security applications; including command and control systems, radar systems, self-protection systems for aircraft, space technology, and aerostructures for the aircraft industry.

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