Release of Arctic Report

The Danish Minister of Defence has released a plan for ramp-up of Arctic capabilities.

Terma at Euronaval 2016 at Paris Le Bourget, Release of Arctic Report

Today, Denmark’s Minister of Defense presented the Arctic Report that outlines the Danish plans for increased presence and capabilities in the area above and around Greenland.

After thorough research, the Arctic Report was released with a clear message: Denmark needs to enhance the presence and capabilities of the Danish Defence in and around Greenland. Among other things, the report points to the need for increased situational awareness. Increasing the use of satellite capabilities and deploying one of the Danish frigates to the Greenlandic seas are some of the specific measures the report recommends.

Terma President & CEO Jens Maaløe welcomes the Danish Arctic initiatives: “I am very pleased to see the Danish Ministry of Defence act upon the changes we see in the Arctic, and the future challenges it poses to the security, safety, and livelihood in the region. As a nation, we need to be prepared, and the measures presented in the report are a very good start in ensuring that the Kingdom of Denmark continues to be safe and prosperous”. 

Terma’s Command & Control System, C-Flex, is installed on all Danish Defense naval units. As the report points to the need for increased interoperability among the units – at sea as well as in the air – the system will inevitably play a role in the Danish plans for increased situational awareness in the Arctic. In addition, the Danish Defence’ Arctic OPVs also carry Terma’s SCANTER 4100 radar system developed for sublime helicopter control, SAR missions, and threat detection. Read more about our SCANTER naval radars here.

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The Denmark based high-tech Terma Group develops products and systems for defense and non-defense security applications; including command and control systems, radar systems, self-protection systems for aircraft, space technology, and aerostructures for the aircraft industry.

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