Successful anti-torpedo decoy sea trials from C-Guard

DCNS, Chemring Countermeasures, and Terma conducted joint operational trials of their Torpedo Defence Solution.

Proven and cost-effective decoy launching system for naval platforms, Successful anti-torpedo decoy sea trials from C-Guard, C-Guard soft-kill system

Copenhagen/Paris – On 12 May 2016, DCNS, Chemring Countermeasures, and Terma conducted joint operational trials of their Torpedo Defence Solution. This solution integrates Terma’s C-Guard Decoy Launching System* with DCNS’s CANTO® Torpedo Decoy and the Chemring Launch Module.

The main purpose of the trials was to confirm the live operation of the CANTO 130 mm decoy in its purpose to lure incoming torpedoes from their original target; the ship launching the decoy. Additionally, the trials aimed to prove the performance of the Chemring launch module and the Terma C-Guard ability to launch the decoy.

Once the CANTO® 130 mm decoy is launched from C-Guard and enters the water, it starts generating numerous acoustic signals which mask the noise from the ship and generate copious false targets, hence diluting/confusing the homing ability of the incoming torpedo. By deploying CANTO® decoys correctly with associated evasive maneuvers, the ship is able to steer away from the torpedo target zone to safety while the torpedo, homing on the false targets presented by the decoy, eventually dissipates all its energy or fuel.

The trials, facilitated by The Royal Danish Navy (RDN) and The Danish Defense Acquisition and Logistics Organization (DALO), were performed from the Danish Frigate HDMS IVER HUITFELDT off the coast of Northern Zealand, Denmark.

According to René d’Ambrières, DCNS Underwater Weapons Business Unit Director, the trial results came out very successful: “All expectations set before the trials were fulfilled and DCNS, Chemring, and Terma are all very satisfied to confirm their capacity to develop cutting-edge anti-torpedo warfare capabilities, including the design and production of the countermeasure, sea-proven on board naval platforms, which is a real asset in the naval market worldwide.”

As a result of the successful trial, C-Guard is now the first and currently the only Decoy Launching System fully integrated with the CANTO® 130 mm anti-torpedo functionality hence fully qualified to deploy CANTO® 130 mm decoys.

As a consequence of the successful trials Terma Vice President, CCS Sales, Thomas Leistiko states: “The future perspective for Terma and DCNS is to strengthen the joint venture of C-Guard and CANTO® 130 mm and promoting a state-of-the-art torpedo defence solution for the present and emerging requirements for torpedo self-protection systems for naval units across the world.”

About DCNS

DCNS is the European leader in naval defence and a major player in marine renewable energy. DCNS designs and builds submarines and surface combatants, develops associated systems and infrastructure, and offers a full range of services to naval bases and shipyards. The Group has also expanded its focus into marine renewable energy. Aware of its corporate social responsibilities, DCNS is a member of the United Nations Global Compact. The DCNS Group generates annual revenues of €3.04 billion and employs 12,953 people (2015 data).

*CANTO® is based on dilution/confusion principle and acts completely independently of the torpedo threats thus offering a protection against numerous simultaneous torpedo attacks even in case of unknown torpedo threats.

About Chemring Countermeasures Ltd

Chemring Group PLC is a market-leading manufacturer supplying high-technology electronics and energetic products to over fifty countries around the world.  Chemring has a diverse portfolio of products that predominantly protect military personnel and platforms, providing insurance against a constantly changing threat.  A subsidiary of Chemring Group, Chemring Countermeasures Ltd is a world leader in the development and manufacture of passive countermeasures for the protection of air and naval platforms. For more information please visit

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Director of Communications and Investor Relations, Chemring Group PLC

Rupert Pittman

+44 7976 249289
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