Scholarship for research in converting waste materiel into sustainable materials

Bjarke Hangstrup Høgsaa will study the conversion of animal manure into environmentally friendly solutions such as bio-asphalt and nanocomposites.

Scholarship for research in converting waste materiel into sustainable materials
Flemming H. Tomdrup awarded the scholarship to Bjarke Hangstrup Høgsaa (right)

Lystrup, Denmark - For the fourth time, The Thomas B. Thrige Foundation and Terma have awarded a company scholarship to a young Dane for his studies in the U.S. This took place in connection with the Denmark-America Foundation's annual meeting on Tuesday, 20 June 2017, where Flemming H. Tomdrup, Chairman of the Board of Terma and board member of the Thomas B. Thrige Foundation, awarded the scholarship to Bjarke.

The DKK 150.000 scholarship is granted for a PhD in ”Nano engineering” with focus on sustainable materials at North Carolina A&T State University.

With a U.S. research team, Bjarke will further develop a method of converting waste material, pig or chicken manure, into sustainable new products and materials (e.g. bio-asphalt, super plastics (nanocomposites).
At a time when we learn that micro plastics is a serious threat to our eco systems, it is comforting to know that researchers like Bjarke are busy developing alternative, sustainable, and environmentally friendly materials.

The method of reuse could also lead to an increase in pig production as even larger quantities of waste products from pig production can be extracted and possibly also from other animal production.

Terma also has a huge interest in future advanced materials, for instance the continuous development of surface protection materials for aerostructures and radar antennas. Terma is in search of surface protection which to an even higher degree can withstand the rough physical environments in which the parts must perform in concert with the materials not harming our health and environment. Research within these materials is extremely important.

Bjarke Hangstrup Høgsaa has a BSc in biology, a BSc in Mechanical Engineering and Manufacturing, and an MSc in Materials Technology from Aalborg University.

The Thomas B. Thrige Foundation/Terma scholarship via the Denmark-America Foundation was established in 2013. It is awarded to a student with an engineering or computer science background, preferably within the fields of systems engineering, composite technology, or electronics technology.

Terma and the Thomas B. Thrige Foundation wish Bjarke all the best with his studies and hope to see him back in Denmark and perhaps at Terma someday.

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The Denmark based high-tech Terma Group develops products and systems for defense and non-defense security applications; including command and control systems, radar systems, self-protection systems for aircraft, space technology, and aerostructures for the aircraft industry.

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