Terma at Pacific International Maritime Exposition

C-Guard fielded on Australia’s new Hobart Class Air Warfare Destroyer.

Terma at Pacific International Maritime Exposition, C-Guard

Copenhagen, Denmark – Terma is proud to be aboard Royal Australia Navy’s new Air Warfare Destroyer (AWD) Hobart that recently officially entered service.

In late 2008, Terma was awarded a contract for the supply of the C-Guard Soft Kill Weapon System for AWD's Anti Ship-Missile Defense System.

C-Guard is a key component of the Hobart Class combat system which will make the three AWDs some of the world's most capable all-purpose warships. Starting construction in January 2010, Hobart is the first of three destroyers in her class to be delivered by AWD Alliance. The other two ships will be called Brisbane (III) and Sydney (V).

In 2003, Terma supplied SKWS decoy systems for the Royal Australian Navy's Adelaide Class Guided Missile Frigates.

Ultimately, the vessels’ soft kill capability may be the last line of defense. Therefore, the concept behind the system is based on effectiveness, reliability, redundancy, and ease of operation.

The C-Guard system uses the NATO standard in decoy rounds, SeaGnat or 130 mm, and will provide protection against any type of threat, including:

  • Radio Frequency (RF) threats – the C-Guard algorithm offers the flexibility of deploying chaff as sub-munitions or as a large chaff burst.
  • InfraRed (IR) and Imaging IR threats – An increasing threat especially in the littoral zone. The multi-azimuth tubes of the C-Guard will allow the algorithm to calculate precise firing of IR to provide 360-degree coverage.
  • The C-Guard algorithm can effectively calculate the heat dissemination of flare decoys and in combination with chaff decoys obscure the IR image of a naval vessel.
  • Dual Seeker threats – the algorithm supports dual mode rounds containing both flare and chaff payloads – an advanced coverage technique towards dual seeker threats.
  • Torpedo threats – unparalleled, C-Guard supports the firing of the latest acoustic anti-torpedo decoys, including state-of-the-art Canto by DCNS.

Almost 200 Terma C-Guard systems are in use worldwide.

Meet Terma at the Pacific International Maritime Exposition on 3-5 October 2017 at booth no. 1M24 (JEDS) at the International Convention Centre in Sydney, Australia.

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The Denmark based high-tech Terma Group develops products and systems for defense and non-defense security applications; including command and control systems, radar systems, self-protection systems for aircraft, space technology, and aerostructures for the aircraft industry.

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