Follow the ASIM launch on NASA TV

The launch of the Danish-led Atmosphere-Space Interactions Monitor (ASIM) is scheduled on 2 April 2018.

Follow the ASIM launch on NASA TV, ASIM, ISS, Dragon trunk
Hoisting of ASIM into the Dragon trunk

Lystrup, Denmark - The TV coverage starts on 1 April with a “What is on board” the SpaceX CRS-14 mission, followed by a Prelaunch News Conference. The main focus is on the launch day, but NASA TV also plans to cover the rendezvous and capture of the SpaceX CRS-14 Dragon Cargo Craft at the International Space Station.

Follow the launch on which also contains a detailed guide on how to receive NASA TV in UHD via satellite, etc.

1 April

  • 2:30 p.m., Sunday, 1 April - CRS-14 “What’s On Board” Briefing (all channels)
  • 4 p.m., Sunday, 1 April - CRS-14 Prelaunch News Conference (all channels)

2 April

  • 4 p.m., Monday, 2 April - CRS-14 Launch Coverage (launch scheduled for 4:30 p.m.) (all channels)
  • 4 p.m., Monday, 2 April - Coverage of the Launch of the SpaceX CRS-14 Mission (Launch scheduled at 4:30 p.m. EDT) (all channels)
  • 6 p.m., Monday, 2 April - SpaceX CRS-14 Post-Launch News Conference (Time subject to change) (all channels)
  • 6:30 p.m., Monday, 2 April - CRS-14 Post-launch Press Conference (all channels)

4 April

  • 5:30 a.m., Wednesday, 4 April - Coverage of the rendezvous and capture of the SpaceX CRS-14 Dragon Cargo Craft at the ISS (Capture scheduled at 7 a.m. EDT) (all channels)
  • 8:30 a.m., Wednesday, 4 April - Coverage of the Installation of the SpaceX CRS-14 Dragon Cargo Craft to the ISS (all channels)

Note that all times are EDT (Eastern Daylight Time), which is four hours behind UTC (Coordinated Universal Time) and six hours behind CEST (Central Europe Summer Time)

The schedule can be found at, where you can also find updated details.

ASIM is an observatory which will be installed on the European Columbus module of the International Space Station (ISS). ASIM will be used to study high-altitude electrical discharges in the stratosphere and mesosphere above severe thunderstorms, the so-called red sprites, blue jets, haloes, and elves, and monitor X-ray and Gamma-ray flashes. A knowledge which can be used to identify climate processes in the atmosphere and improve climate models for Earth.

ASIM installed in the Dragon trunk and ready for the CRS-14 mission to ISS.
We are awaiting SpaceX Falcon9 static fire test Friday, 29 March, leading up to the confirmed launch on 2 April

ASIM relies on experience from the research project THOR. DMI and Herzliya University in Israel investigated the possibilities of making forecasts to enable Andreas Mogensen to take photos and videos of thunderstorms from space – which was successful. Senior researcher Martin Stendel from DMI will contribute to ASIM with scientific interpretation of data in the course of Denmark’s next large space project.

ASIM is developed under the auspices of the European Space Agency, ESA. DTU Space has the scientific leadership of the mission. The Danish aerospace company Terma A/S has the overall technical responsibility, and the Danish Meteorological Institute supplies global meteorological data products and participates in the scientific studies. Additional partners are University of Valencia, Spain; University of Bergen, Norway; Space Research Center, Poland; OHB-Italia, Italy; and B.USOC, Belgium.

The Ministry of Higher Education and Science in Denmark has provided funds for the ASIM project. Some of the funding has been provided during the period 2009-2012 from the global funds for climate initiatives via the European Space Agency (ESA). Thereby, it has been possible to strengthen the excellent research, development, and implementation of Danish high technology and the collaboration between universities and the industry.

Visit Terma's dedicated ASIM site.

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