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ASIM moved to a new place on the International Space station ASIM moved to a new place on the International Space station

ASIM has been moved to a new place on the International Space Station

The Danish-led space instrument ASIM, has been so successful that it has now been given a new place on the International Space Station (ISS). The instrument has been shown to detect rare radiations that affect the chemistry of the atmosphere and influence the Earth's climate.

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KCR 60, Vessel #5 KCR 60, Vessel #5

Indonesian Navy Approves New CMS From Terma Despite Covid-19 Challenges

Virtual FAT: Despite COVID-19 restrictions, the Indonesian Navy (TNI-AL) approves the factory acceptance tests of four new combat management systems (CMS) for four fast attack crafts, “KCR-60”, scheduled to join their fleet.

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Compactjammingsystempr Linkedin Compactjammingsystempr Linkedin

New Compact Jamming System ready for F-16s after demonstration flight

In late October 2021 a Danish F-16 conducted a series of flight demonstrations of the Leonardo Compact Jamming System (CJS) integrated in Terma’s ECIPS-pylon. The two companies are now ready to provide the integrated solution to potential customers.

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ASIM Naturemagdec2021 Linkedin ASIM Naturemagdec2021 Linkedin

Nature magazine: significant results from the ASIM mission – again

On 23 December, the Danish-led Atmosphere-Space Interaction Monitor (ASIM) will appear in Nature magazine for the second time. This time for observing and delivering groundbreaking data not even intended by the mission.

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WPF Newshero WPF Newshero

Obstruction Light Control Solution at Windpark Fryslân in the Netherlands

Thanks to Terma’s aviation radar solution, the night sky over Windpark Fryslân will be preserved.

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Consortium Consortium

Huge interest in Danish patrol vessels

Monday, more than 50 companies from the Danish maritime and defense industry gathered at a dialog meeting about the future patrol vessels of the Danish Defence.

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Offshorewindfarm Linkedin Offshorewindfarm Linkedin

Offshore Wind: New Solution Solves Radar Clutter Issue

The surge for net-zero emission has come to its critical phase. And with the demand for energy constantly on the rise, the need for offshore wind power intensifies. However, national defenses need full radar coverage to maintain national security, but the large offshore turbines clutter their radar images and create blind spots. Until now.

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PR Indonesia Ribboncutting PR Indonesia Ribboncutting

Terma officially opens office in Surabaya, Indonesia

On November 21, Terma hosted a ribbon cutting ceremony to officially mark the opening of their office in Surabaya, Indonesia. The opening marks a continued effort for Terma to be close to their customers.

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Placeholder Placeholder

Celebrating Three Terma Apprentices

On Thursday, 30 September 2021, three Terma apprentices were awarded a medal from the Medal Foundation of Danish Industry and Craftsmanship in Eastern Jutland at an event at the Aarhus City Hall

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